Tissue Adhesives – Alternative Advancement to Standard Wound Closure

Until the late 1800s, sterile surgery and sutures were not standard practice, despite evidence of surgery and wound closure existing for hundreds, and potentially thousands, of years prior. While sterile surgery and sutures started as experimental alternatives to traditional wound closure, thankfully they were eventually accepted as the new standard.  Suturing products and techniques have advanced over the last 150 years, but sutures remain the standard of care for many wounds. For repairing simple traumatic lacerations, tissue adhesives offer an alternative to standard wound closure with several potential advantages including ease of use, decreased pain and decreased risk of infection all while not requiring a follow-up visit for removal.

Reasons to Consider an Alternative to Standard Wound Closure

There are disadvantages to standard wound closure that need to be acknowledged. A recently published article on wound closure techniques outlined some deficiencies with sutures and staples when compared to tissue adhesives:

  • Application can be a time-consuming process
  • Higher infection rate
  • Higher potential for inflammation and pain
  • Follow-up visit is necessary for removal

Benefits of Tissue Adhesives

There are several benefits to using tissue adhesives to repair simple traumatic lacerations. A collected review of multiple studies comparing tissue adhesives and standard wound closures concluded that there was clear evidence of decreased procedure time and less pain when utilizing tissue adhesives. While there are various options in the category of tissue adhesives, Chemence Exofin® High Viscosity Tissue Adhesive sets itself apart from the rest in three distinct categories – speed/strength, application innovation, and value.


  • 2-octyl formulation is proven to be the strongest and most flexible adhesive available
    • Creates a protective microbial barrier reducing risk of infection
    • High viscosity formulation reduces the risk of adhesive migration
    • Added flexibility allows the adhesive to remain intact for 7-10 days
  • Fastest polymerizing 2-octyl topical adhesive on the market today
    • Average set times are less than 40 seconds

Application Innovation

Speed and strength are useless without the ability to effectively apply the adhesive, which Chemence has addressed in unique and innovative ways. Exofin High Viscosity Tissue Adhesive features a soft and flexible applicator that glides across uneven surfaces, creating a solid seal on the skin. The transparent tip allows the user to see the adhesive prior to expression, therefore enabling the ability to apply as much or as little adhesive as needed.


  • 1ml tube fill offers users the highest volume per device available on the market today
  • 25% more adhesive than the second largest tissue adhesive available
  • 43% more adhesive than Dermabond Advanced
  • 150% more adhesive than Dermabond Mini
  • Decreases unit count, thus adding cost savings per procedure

Take the Next Step in Advancing Your Standard Practice

Advancements in medicine are moving along at an exponential pace, so it is important to constantly be adapting and considering alternatives. When considering an alternative to standard wound closure, Chemence Exofin®, Exofin Fusion® and Exofin® Precision Pen  provide an innovative, easy to use, quick application of a strong, flexible, microbial shield, all while maintaining high value. SourceMark Medical is proud to include these options among our Surgical product offerings. To learn more or request a demo, contact us today.